About Us

Synergy offers a new way to grow your business

Synergy is a revolutionary new way to manage, understand and grow your business. It combines the power of an accounting package with a range of business management tools to give your business a competitive advantage.

What’s so different about Synergy?

For a start it is designed to be flexible enough to fit your business rather than ask your business processes to try and fit in with it.

That’s refreshingly new.

Secondly it is designed to grow with your business. There simply isn’t another product on the market that can adapt and develop with businesses as they grow from start-ups to large concerns.

That’s reassuringly new.

Finally, it is a business management product that places ongoing, accessible, affordable support at the very heart of its proposition. Synergy really is with you all the way.

That’s radically new.

Creating Synergy

The reason we developed Synergy may sound familiar: it’s a story often told.

As a company expands it outgrows its existing business software package. All of a sudden it finds itself not just back at square one but facing a huge bill for an upgrade too.

Many companies have been there but this time the company concerned happened to have a team of software development specialists and a vision of how things could be.

Faced with a bill of over £20,000 from accounting and business management products that did not really meet the needs of the business – and fed up with the lack of responsive support and the high costs levied to access what little was provided – the idea of a truly flexible, scalable and accessible business software product was born.

The need for Synergy

As development work kicked off in 2007 government statistics clearly revealed that there were literally thousands of businesses demanding a solution that the current market providers did not offer.

As Synergy begins to make waves in the marketplace following its launch in 2014 its rapid adoption reveals just how great that need was.

Developing Synergy

An expert team of developers worked with businesses small and large to create a product that would be easy to use yet powerful. At the forefront of the brief was to design a product that could flexibly meet the needs of businesses, both small and large, and from a wide range of sectors.

After eight years of development, rigorous testing and ceaseless consulting Synergy is now available and it has already started transforming businesses.

Synergy never stops

The team are already working on ways that Synergy can meet the needs of more businesses. As more users provide us with valuable feedback, and unexpected requests, the development team are making additions and improvements that will benefit the wider business community.

And so it goes on…

To find out more about our vision and the benefits Synergy can bring to your business contact us today.

Key Benefits

  • Synergy works tirelessly for your business
  • Quickly adapts to suit the needs of your business
  • Designed to develop and grow with your business
  • Intuitively easy to use and simple to set up
  • Helps save you time and manage your business more effectively
  • Plugins for additional areas such as Stock, Payroll, Sales Orders and more
  • Custom modules available for any specialised needs your business may have
  • Ongoing, accessible and responsive support packages mean help is always at hand
  • HMRC recognised for Making Tax Digital

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What our customers say

Back in 2015 and with much trepidation we took on the Synergy accounting software. Being a bit of a technophobe I was very concerned about keeping it up to date and everything in order, particularly as I hate anything to do with figures. The support has been immense and I am sure he must think that he is my accountant sometimes, however, he never makes me feel that I am being a pain in the neck, although I am sure he dreads my number coming up on his phone. Synergy does everything that my company needs, in spite of the me. When it came to the year-end accounts, it was just a case of printing off some reports and sending them off to the accountant. This leaves me in a position to renegotiate my accountants fee, as most of the work is done for him. After using Excel and trying Zero, Synergy has been well worth the investment and with the magnificent support... it is unbeatable.

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