Mortgage Adviser

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The Problem

A respected and long established business providing independent ‘whole of market’ mortgage and loan advice was finding it time consuming to generate and maintain suitable documents in Microsoft Word, maintain customer details in a readily accessible format, and locate supporting documentation within an extensive manual filing system.

This process took too much training, took too long, was far too expensive, and by being complex led to more issues arising than the management team would have preferred.  Using paper records meant that there was also an issue with one staff member having the records when another staff member needed access to them.

The Solution

A review of the business was undertaken and it was agreed that Synergy should be installed and a specialist Mortgage Adviser Module should be created which should be used to provide the required functionality.  A specification was drawn up, and it was agreed that the module would be created and its features added in gradually over a period of time to enable staff to get used to the idea and to be able to prove each part of the solution as it was introduced.

The Results

Most of the initial requirements were met ‘out of the box’ using standard features:

  • Mutli-User Access ensured that data could be accessed by any staff member at any time, regardless of who else might be actually looking at the records
  • Customer Details were instantly available with real time editing and CRM features on tap
  • Dedicated Account Notes for each customer meant that the recording of customer interactions became quick and easy, and staff could easily see details of any previous contacts and communications allowing them to answer customer questions that would otherwise have had to wait for the availability of a specific staff member.
  • Attaching Files and Documents to individual customers meant that there was no longer any need to search for them – they were instantly available within the customer record
  • Unlimited Contacts and Addresses for each customer meant that any number of people could be included in the records and therefore in any mortgage or loan application
  • Meeting the criteria of the regulatory bodies became easier, quicker, and less expensive to administer
  • To Do List items could be added automatically to any Customer, and assigned to any member of staff for action, with management overview of progress throughout

In addition the new Mortgage Adviser Module allowed all the relevant details of applicants and their circumstances to be automatically collated from the Customer record and inserted into a ‘Fact Find’ or ‘Personal Mortgage Questionnaire’ document which could be saved for further editing as well as being automatically attached back to the customer account, all by simply right clicking on the customer name and selecting a single menu item.

If you are in the Mortgage Advice industry and would like more information on how your business can benefit from the use of Synergy and the dedicated Call Handling Module please contact us

Company Details:

We are currently awaiting regulatory approval before publication of this information.

Key Benefits

  • Synergy works tirelessly for your business
  • Quickly adapts to suit the needs of your business
  • Designed to develop and grow with your business
  • Intuitively easy to use and simple to set up
  • Helps save you time and manage your business more effectively
  • Plugins for additional areas such as Stock, Payroll, Sales Orders and more
  • Custom modules available for any specialised needs your business may have
  • Ongoing, accessible and responsive support packages mean help is always at hand
  • HMRC recognised for Making Tax Digital

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What our customers say

I have to say after some initial misgivings about Synergy we are beginning to love it. We are now beginning to get good management figures from the system and I am (sadly) excited about getting the job sheets up and running and being able to analyse hours chargeable which is an area that currently deeply concerns me. To have Eurotek branded Job cards, invoices, statements, payment advice and more would be a terrific step forward and the sooner the better... [As for support] It is refreshing to always get the answer, and  pretty much on a 24/7 basis. So very helpful. We just did not realise how much we had/have to learn, and indeed how much we did not know and how little information we were getting from the previous system. This is life changing. Synergy is changing the way we do things and has the best support for dummies ever encountered. Thank you for your excellent service and for the constant evolution of Synergy [to meet our business needs].

Managing Director, Eurotek Marine