I have to say after some initial misgivings about Synergy we are beginning to love it. We are now beginning to get good management figures from the system and I am (sadly) excited about getting the job sheets up and running and being able to analyse hours chargeable which is an area that currently deeply concerns me.
To have Eurotek branded Job cards, invoices, statements, payment advice and more would be a terrific step forward and the sooner the better... [As for support] It is refreshing to always get the answer, and pretty much on a 24/7 basis. So very helpful. We just did not realise how much we had/have to learn, and indeed how much we did not know and how little information we were getting from the previous system. This is life changing.
Synergy is changing the way we do things and has the best support for dummies ever encountered. Thank you for your excellent service and for the constant evolution of Synergy [to meet our business needs].
Malcolm Threadgould
Managing Director, Eurotek Marine