Vertical Market Editions

Synergy can take on the needs of any market that needs specific functionality not required by businesses in other industries.  Customers in those industries can simply order an appropriate module for their industry, and it will simply plug into the application to provide the specialist functionality that they need.  If we don’t already have a module for your Industry, we can always build one!

Industries we already support include:

  • Call Handling: Our Call Handling module automates most of the processes for running a Call Handling business including Call Processing (call count only or time taken), automated notifications via Email and / or SMS, Daily, Weekly, Monthly digests, automatic and fully itemised billing, user definable Tariffs which can include Inclusive calls and / or time elements, and much more.  See the Call Handling Company case history for details of how one company saved 95% of their time costs whilst slashing their training budget, elminating virtually all user errors, and introducing features and services that had previously been impossible to provide at any price!
  • Entertainment Agency: Our Entertainment Agency module handles Artistes, Clients, Venues, Bookings, Datesheets, Cancellations, and all the documentation an Agency might need including Contracts, Riders, Cancellation Notices, and so on.  Supports commissioned and nett deals, automates billing, and meets all the requirements of the Employment Agencies Act 1973 and all revisions of the Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulations up to date.
  • Garage: Our Garage Module handles Customer Vehicles, and allows multiple vehicles to be attached to a single customer if required.  In addition fully supports an Unlimited*Unlimited means  the lesser of either your system resources or a very large number of entries equal to a positive 64 bit integer. number of user definable Vehicle Makes, Models, Fuels, Colours, Bodies, and so on.  Fully supports the attachment of Vehicle and Mechanic information directly to transactions, allowing them to be included in documentation at will and generating a true vehicle history.  Supports the automatic generation of MOT and Service reminders, Job Sheets, and all sorts of notifications.  The module is able to interface with DVLA data via reseller APIs to automate vehicle information and valuation retrieval.  See the Garage Business case history for details of how Synergy has made a huge difference to one particular business, and see how it could help your business too!
  • Marine: Our Marine module handles Customer Vessels of all types, and allows multiple vessels to be attached to a single customer if required.  It supports all sorts of vessel related information including Length, Beam, and Draught as well as detailed Berth and Security information.  In addition fully supports an Unlimited*Unlimited means  the lesser of either your system resources or a very large number of entries equal to a positive 64 bit integer. number of user definable Vessel Makes, Models, Fuels, Colours, Types, Engine Installation Types, Engine Manufacturers and so on.  Fully supports the attachment of Vessel and Engineer information directly to transactions, allowing them to be included in documentation at will and generating a true vessel history.  Supports the automatic generation of Service reminders, Job Sheets, and all sorts of notifications via email, SMS messages, and even good old fashioned post.  See the Marine Electronics Business case history for details of how Synergy has made a huge difference to one particular business, and see how it could help your business too!
  • Mortgage Adviser: Our Mortgage Adviser Module helps advisers to meet their regulatory commitments, automatically generating ‘Fact Find’ questionnaires from entered data and allowing the attachment of an Unlimited*Unlimited means  the lesser of either your system resources or a very large number of entries equal to a positive 64 bit integer. number of files and documents to the customer record.  Some Mortgage Advisers use only the CRM and Adviser features, but full billing and financial support is of course available to all users of the module.  See the Mortgage Adviser case history to see how Synergy has helped one business become more efficient and meet all regulatory targets.
  • Vehicle Information Services: Our CDL VIS module allows customers holding a prepay Vehicle Data contract with CDL Vehicle Information Services, a licensed recipient of DVLA data, to automatically access DVLA vehicle information over the internet from within Synergy.  For users of the Garage Module this allows the automatic generation of vehicle records just by entering the registration mark.  For other users it can allow for the retrieval of the details for whatever purposes they may have, including checking to see whether a vehicle has previously been scrapped or is listed as stolen. See the Garage Business case history for details of how Synergy has made a huge difference to one particular business, and see how it could help your business too!

 Note: Usage of the data retrieved and the information you can retrieve may be limited by your contract with CDL Vehicle Information Services. You should contact CDL Vehicle Information Services to arrange your contract.  Synergy Accounts is not associated with DVLA or CDL Vehicle Information Services in any way, and none of the parties officially endorse the products and services of any other.

Other vertical market modules are available, and we would be happy to talk to customers who feel that they need industry specific features to manage their business – contact us if you would like to discuss your requirements.

System Requirements

Any modern Windows computer will be more than capable of running Synergy. However, if in doubt please see our detailed system requirements page

Key Benefits

  • Synergy works tirelessly for your business
  • Quickly adapts to suit the needs of your business
  • Designed to develop and grow with your business
  • Intuitively easy to use and simple to set up
  • Helps save you time and manage your business more effectively
  • Plugins for additional areas such as Stock, Payroll, Sales Orders and more
  • Custom modules available for any specialised needs your business may have
  • Ongoing, accessible and responsive support packages mean help is always at hand
  • HMRC recognised for Making Tax Digital

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What our customers say

I entered the on a/c payment, it is so easy !!  I have entered 12 months Purchase Invoices and POS payments in 2 days, the file was about 75mm thick!  Synergy is so user friendly and fast. It really is a very good program and far better than Sage... but you already know that!

Redhouse Caravans